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Consequences of Divorce After a Long Marriage

One question often posed to us is, “How much alimony can I get after a 30-year marriage?” While the length of the marriage may change, it’s no surprise that people are wondering what the financial consequences of divorce are after a long marriage. At MHPS, we know divorce is a multilayered process and one that involves emotional and financial changes. Today, we will unpack the consequences of divorce after a long-term marriage.

More Older Americans Are Divorced or Planning to Divorce

In 2018, about 23.3% of adults 65 years and older were divorced. While many equate this to an influx in Baby Boomers filing for divorce in their younger years, more Baby Boomers are filing for divorce later in life, too.

This is for a variety of reasons. Women have more economic opportunities to support themselves and their families, meaning they no longer have to stay in relationships that simply are not working or where they feel unsafe.

Additionally, the social stigma surrounding divorce has diminished in many cultures. This is especially true for younger adults, but older generations are following suit.

But what happens when a couple decides to divorce after a long-term marriage?

Consequences of Divorce Following Long-Term Marriage

While it doesn’t matter if the divorce is long-term marriage or not, there are certain consequences of divorce that couples need to be mindful of.

  • 1. You may lose your health insurance.
  • 2. Your income will change.
  • 3. The change in income may impact the lifestyle you are accustomed to.
  • 4. Your social circle may change.
  • 5. One parent may not spend as much time with their children.
  • 6. Your ex may not follow through on support payments.

While these implications may make you second guess your decision to divorce, there are ways to prepare for and combat these issues before they occur.

Preparing for Life After Divorce in Long-Term Marriage

If your divorce is amicable, you may not face as many issues as someone who is leaving a tense marriage. In those cases, you may be able to negotiate and come to an agreement with your ex on the needs you and your child[ren] have following the divorce.

Further, you may have been prepared with a prenuptial agreement that lays out the plans for the separation. Even if you do not have a prenup, a Tennessee family lawyer can help you and your ex come up with a postnuptial agreement to make the separation process go smoothly.

Divorce is never easy, especially when the marriage lasted 30 years or more. But with a trusted Nashville family law attorney by your side, the process can be efficient and as minimally stressful as possible.

Ending a Long-Term Marriage? Hire Our Nashville Divorce Attorneys

If you and your spouse are ready to go through the divorce process but need assistance developing a fair agreement to address issues like child support and property rights, a divorce attorney can help.

For decades, our Tennessee divorce attorneys have fought for our clients’ rights in and out of the courtroom. We are sensitive to your needs and will do what we can to take the anxiety and frustration out of the process.

If you are considering a divorce and need legal advice, let us help. Contact MHPS today for more information.

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You don’t have to face a legal case alone. Get the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the law. Reach out today, and let’s take the first step together.